

Pick up

Your life just became easier. Woods On The Go brings you grocery shopping from the comfort of your home, the stands, office, boat, bicycle, airport, bed, and wherever your smart device can get a signal.
Your Personal Shopper will do all the work, you just need to prepare to be blown away by this amazing FREE* service.
To start, make sure you are logged into your Woods Account. If you do not have a Woods Account, you can create one here. Once you are logged in, simply click on the "Shop online" icon and start shopping the thousands of products available!
*There is no service fee for orders over $30,
$2.95 service fee on orders $29.99 and less
About Your Personal Shopper
Order confidently! We have our very best ready to carefully select the very best produce, meat, and grocery items on your behalf. Nothing goes into your order that we wouldn't buy for our own family. Your shopper takes the responsibility personally and with the upmost respect.
We are grateful you trust us to help and hope you enjoy your online grocery experience!